Hi, I'm Jieun.

I recently graduated from Harvard University, where I studied Astronomy & Astrophysics with my PhD advisor Prof. Charlie Conroy. My thesis focused on improving our understanding of the properties, connection, and evolution of stars and galaxies.

You can contact me at: jieunchoi51 [at] gmail.com

Astronomy Research

Stars are fascinating objects whose properties and life trajectories are governed by numerous complex physical processes. Computer simulations of stars, which describe their interior structure and the evolution of their properties with time, form the foundation for many areas of astrophysics research. In particular, I used these computer models to explore the star-galaxy connection. My thesis consisted of five distinct research projects, each falling into one of two broad themes. First, I studied stars as individual astrophysical objects, with the goal of more accurately determining their physical properties and improving our understanding of physical processes that drive stellar evolution. Second, I studied stars as the constituents of their host galaxies, investigating how stars influence their environments and how stars can be used as fossils bearing clues of the formation and evolution of galaxies.

Stars as Individual Objects

MESA Isochrones and Stellar Tracks: Next Generation Stellar Models

I led the effort on the MIST project, for which my collaborators and I used MESA, an open-source stellar evolution software, to run computer simulations of how different types of stars evolve with time. We constructed an extensive grid of stellar interior structure & evolution models over a wide range of masses, composition, and ages and performed extensive testing and comparisons against a rich array of existing observations to ensure high-quality. Since our team has made these models publicly available, they have been used in numerous applications, including stellar, extragalactic, and exoplanet studies. These models are already making a significant impact in the field: in just over two years since publication, the paper has already received 225 citations. The movie to the right shows the time evolution of a 2 solar mass star from the pre-main sequence phase to the white dwarf cooling phase in the so-called Hertzprung-Russell diagram, where the x and y axes show temperature (increasing to the left, where blue/red represents hot/cold) and brightness (increasing to the top). This movie shows the star's life trajectory and illustrates how the properties of this star change with time. The size of the circle approximately scales with the relative size of the star at each stage of its evolution. Read more about it here.

"How Old?": Measuring the Ages of Stars in the Gaia Era

The age, along with mass, chemical composition, temperature, and brightness, is one of the fundamental parameters that describe the properties of a star. The importance of accurate and reliable measurements of the stellar age reaches far beyond the study of stars itself: it informs formation models of extrasolar planets orbiting stars other than our Sun and it sheds light on the assembly history of our Milky Way galaxy. However, measuring the age of a star is a surprisingly difficult task. We must appeal to indirect methods—comparing against computer models of stellar evolution—to obtain our best estimates of the stellar age. This process is further complicated by the fact that there are still many uncertainties and assumptions entering into stellar models, including the simplified representation of large-scale mixing (convection) in the stellar interior. I used the MIST models to evaluate the various methods of determing ages in stars, including the use of the color-magnitude diagram ("the observer's Hertzsprung-Russell diagram"). The figure on the right shows the sensitivity of observations to the age (what we want) in the presence of uncertainties in stellar composition. I found several combinations of observations that can be leveraged to infer stellar ages even in the presence of many modeling uncertainties. I was also able to project how well we expect to measure the color (temperature) and magnitude (brightness) of stars—important age diagnostics—using observations of unprecented quality from the still-ongoing Gaia mission. Read more about it here.

"How Warm?": Determining the Temperatures of Red Giant Stars

The measurement of the stellar surface temperature is also an extremely challenging task. One complication is that different methods yield substantially discrepant answers such that it is difficult to know what is the true temperature of a given star. This is a significant problem since we rely on the accuracy of observations to calibrate and improve the quality of stellar interior models. One of the essential inputs to stellar models, which at its core is the solution to the coupled differential equations of stellar structure, is what is called the "surface boundary condition." The surface boundary condition (SBC) dictates the temperature and pressure at the base of the stellar atmosphere, and there is a wide range of options to choose from, ranging from simple formulae to tabulated results from complex atmosphere calculations. I used the MIST models to test the impact of SBC on the temperatures of a particular subset of stars called the red giants (our Sun's future in about 5 billion years). I found that one's choice of the SBC in an otherwise identical stellar model calculation can lead to a +/- 100 K difference on the resulting temperature. The figure on the right shows the comparison between our model temperatures and the data from real stars, where the left panel shows several flavors of SBC and the right panel shows different implementations of the same SBC. I presented arguments for the use of a specific type of SBC, and how SBCs in general should be implemented in stellar model calculations. Read more about it here.

Stars as Constituents of Galaxies

Fossil Records: Unveiling the Life Trajectories of Host Galaxies

My collaborators and I modeled the spectra of a large sample of quiescent (i.e., no longer actively forming stars) galaxies in the redshift range 0.1 < z < 0.7 from Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and the AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey (AGES). These galaxies are very distant from us: the light emitted by galaxies at redshifts of 0.1 and 0.7 take about 1.5 billion and 6.5 billion years to reach us here on Earth. This means that we are observing these galaxies as they were billion years ago. In turn, this means we can study galaxies at different stages of their evolution by observing a specific category of similar galaxies at different redshifts (distances). This approach is analogous to using photographs and information from different parts of a person's life to piece together their life story. I performed full spectrum fitting to measure the ages and the chemical compositions of the constituent stars in our sample of galaxies. I separated the galaxies into groups by mass and examined how the measured properties evolve over time. I found that there is negligible evolution in the chemical composition of stars residing in galaxies over roughly 7 billion years (shown in the figure to the right) and that the increase in stellar ages with time for the most massive galaxies is consistent with passive evolution (i.e., galaxies are not interacting with each other, forming new stars, etc.) since z = 0.7. Taken together, these results favor a scenario in which the inner regions of massive quiescent galaxies have been passively evolving over the last half of cosmic history. Read more about it here.

UV Photon Factories: Shaping the Evolution of the Universe

All stars produce light that spans a wide range in energy, from radio (low frequency and low energy) to X-ray (high frequency and high energy), but but as a rule of thumb, a high-mass star is capable of producing more high-energy light. Photons, or light particles, with energies greater than 13.6 eV are particularly special due to their ability to ionize, or knock electrons out of, hydrogen atoms. These ionizing photons, emitted in copious amounts by the very first stars, played a crucial role in shaping the Universe at its infancy: they totally ionized the hydrogen gas that filled up the intergalactic space. However, detailed calculations, computer simulations of galaxy formation, and observations are at tension due to an apparent shortage of these high-energy photons. I used MIST stellar models to quantify the impact of rotation on the star's ability to produce ionizing photons, both in terms of the overall duration and the total amount. I found that high mass stars with a birth rotation speed of 50 to 60% of the breakup speed—maximum speed before the star breaks apart—and low metallicity—astronomer-speak for elements other than hydrogen and helium—can produce a large amount of ionizing photons over a sufficiently long total epoch in order to resolve the photon shortage problem. The figure on the right illustrates how the total number of ionizing photons emitted by a population of stars (here, the rotation speed is held fixed at 40% of the breakup speed) in the first 10 million years since birth increases at low metallicities (top panel). It also shows at low metallicities, photons are emitted more gradually over time (bottom panel). Read more about it here.


Both as a TA and as an instructor, I have taught numerous courses for students with a wide range of backgrounds, from middle school students to undergraduate astronomy majors.

  • UC Santa Barbara/Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics: MESA Summer School (SU'16)
  • Harvard, AY 17: Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy (FA'14)
  • UC Santa Cruz, AY 2: Overview of the Universe (WI'13)
  • ATDP Berkeley, Intro to Modern Astrophysics (SU'12)
  • UC Berkeley, AY 10: Intro to General Astronomy (FA'11, SP'12)
  • UC Berkeley, AY 120: Optical Astronomy (FA'10)
  • UC Berkeley, The IDL Way: An Intro to Computer Programming for Astronomers (SP'10)

Personal Projects

Here are some non-astronomy-research related things I have worked on.

About Me

Born in Korea — short stint in New Zealand — formative years in California — survived four years of Boston heat/snow/drivers — back in California. My hobbies include bouldering, cooking, and rewatching random Mad Men episodes. I also enjoy yoga, hiking/camping/backpacking, and NPR (no better way to wake up in the morning than a cup of coffee and the soothing voices of NPR. Ahhhhh.). Three things I don't do nearly as often as I want to are 1. making ice cream, 2. reading novels, and 3. collaborating on NYT crossword puzzles.